Monday, June 22, 2009

An SAT question...


A) ridiculously hot and humid

B) feels like someone is blowing a hair dryer in your face

C) makes me want to curse

D) pleasant

The correct answer is D, meaning two things; The weather here is naaaaasty, and I am NOT in shape!(Unless you count round as a shape.) Both make me want to say, "Ewww!"

Growing up, my sister and I always commented on how lots of people seemed to gain weight after they got married. Sure enough, it is happening to me and Jordan, and we have only been married a month! Since my wedding, I have put on about 8 pounds. I know that's not shocking, but that is 8 pounds that I don't need! Plus, if I put on 8 pounds this month, how many will be on my thighs byChristmas??

We mainly blame it on our honeymoon. On our cruise, we were averaging about 5000-7000 calories a day, with very minimal exercise. But we couldn't help ourselves! The food was fantastic, and the desserts were even MORE fantastic (and usually when food tastes really good, it isn't exactly light). Since our criuse, we have been eating reletively healthy foods, but my weight still has been trickling on. I think our bodies were so used to the cruise that they assume that we WANT to gain wight or something. My body probably is thinking, "Since you ate like a nasty pig for a week straight, you must be preparing for a famine or something. Here, let me pack some of these calories into your butt for you. No need to thank me!"

Another obvious change would be my exercise has gone way way down in the last month. I don't like to exercise. There, I said it. It's time consuming, it's boring, and it makes me sweaty. At BYU, I rarely intentionally exercised, but I had to walk back and forth to campus everyday, as well as walk around campus, and at my internship I had to powerwalk through those elementary school hallways all day. My body was getting at 30 minutes of walking everyday just for the sake of relocating myself. Now that I am in Tulsa, relocating myself is done by moving my feet in a slightly downward movement to push the gas pedals.

Finally, the third culprit is snacking. At school in Provo, I didn't really have time to snack. In the morning I would (sometimes) eat breakfast, eat a lunch that I packed (which usually was left over speghetti or a pb&j sandwhich) and then come home to make dinner with Jordan. Even when my meals weren't incredibly healthy, there were few of them so it balanced out. Now I spend 4 weekdays home alone doing nothing but homework, housework, and huluing. This easily leads to snacking. One day I ate at least 25 otterpops by myself!

Obviously, I don't want this to keep going. That's why I'm blogging about it. It's always good to have goals and plans in writing (but honestly,who writes anymore! This ain't the 1800's, people. psh.) so I figured posting it on my blog would allow witnesses as well. haha. I don't think I am FAT, I just want to stop gaining weight. I want to go back to what I was before the weight gain. I also have been "trying to lose wight" since I was about 15. It's something that I always think about,but never stick with fully. That's usually because I take drastic measures, like taking out all sweets from my diet or saying I'll exercise everyday (yeah, right...). I also have unrealistic goals, such as getting a six pack or completely fat tummy. I've come to terms that my body is curvy and with that comes slightly curvy hips and stomache. I've decided that if I am going to lose wight, I need to set a realistic program for myself that I will actually keep. And heeeere it is!

From now until August 1st, I will:

1) I will exercise three times a week for 30 minutes. (...yay...)

2) I will continue to use light/fat free everything when possible (I do this already, but its good to have an objective that I know I will stick to.)

3) I will only have ONE helping of food per meal/snack. This one I think will help alot. Jordan and and I both have a habit of over eating. My family knows that I am notorious for eating so much that I have to lie on the couch and moan. Not anymore! For dinner, I will only have one plate of food! So what if I'm not "full" afterwards. As long as I am not hungry, that is what matters. I think as Americans, we think you should either be hungry or full- we forget about the nice middle state of not being hungry. I think this objective will be good for me, because it doesn't stop me from eating food that I love, but it allows me to cherish it. This will go for snacks too. With my guilty pleasure Flaming Hot Cheetos, instead of grabbing the grab and pigging out, I will place a portion in a bowl and eat them. When the bowl is empty, no more cheetos. I think that this will be good training for me not to overeat, as well as not to snack without thinking.

So that's the plan. I know this blog is pretty unexciting, but I was just thinking about it today and really wanted to do something about it. If anyone wants to join me on the three objectives, feel free to!

I already began my kick off by running* (*jogging at the speed of an old woman using a walker) outside for 3 miles. We live across the street from a park that has a running trail. I like it because I can't get lost on it and it's partially shady. But daaaaang, Gina it's HOT! I went at 8:30 AM and practically died of heat stroke. Ah, Oklahoma....


  1. Sonja, I love you! I know you can do this! I know how it is to run somewhere where it is really hot. One summer in Vegas I had to wake up at 4:30 a.m. to go running with a friend, but it was still in the 90's outside. It was horrible! Maybe you can do some workout the one I never got to do with you! ;) I am going to go do a yoga video right now! Love ya!

  2. Hi cute little tubby girl. Congratulations on your goals. I hope you can lose eight pounds by writing thank-you notes to everyone who was so nice to bring you things to your parties. Thanks for the apartment tour the other night. I especially liked the vegetable strainer microphone to narrate all the rooms. Happy weight loss! Love, Mom

    PS Do you want me to send you "Hip-Hop Abs" if I can find it?

  3. Sup Jo. Funny post! I laughed outloud at "I've been eating like a nasty pig." You are on the right track: healthy and sustainable weight-loss by not going on an extreme diet but by simply limiting portions and exercising. As you exercise, your body gets better at regulating how much you eat. Just don't think that 3 miles = 3 krispy kremes. It don't. Learned that the hard way.

  4. equals FOUR krispy kremes?

  5. The previous Melissa was not your favorite CLICer Melissa.

    Was your goal...


    Oh my gosh yay you totally pass!! I'm glad working at the CLIC has taught you SOMETHING!! :)

  6. lol! "jogging at the speed of an old lady using a walker". thats awesome!
    and ugh, i dont know ONE PERSON who has gone on a cruise and didn't gain any weight! that's why im trying to convince steve to go on one NOW with me as im pregnant and can use that as an excuse. i think you look great, but i know how frustrating it can be when you gain weight and you dont want to.
    and im so with you, i tend to eat until im SICK and wonder why my thighs make noises as they rub together when i walk... its hard! sometimes, i find that if i eat slower during meals i dont eat as much. also, having little chores/things to do around the house distracts me from the kitchen.
    sounds like youre on the right path though setting goals and telling yourself how you will follow thru with them.

  7. When I started noticing the spare tire around my waist, I started forcing myself to drink a ton of water before each meal. I think that helped me. 25 otter pops is nothing.


Thank you for the love.