Monday, May 3, 2010

Identity Crisis

Tomorrow is my last day of school. ever. I'm talking about for the rest of my life. And that is weirder than weird.

My entire life I have never EVER liked school. I was the kid (and college student)who always stared at the clock in every period, waiting to go home. I never had a summer break where I was excited to go back to school. Usually the beginning of each school year was met with sheer dread. School has never been good.

And here I am, practically hours away from being done with school for the rest of my life...and I'm sad.

Am I going to miss lectures, homework, paying ridiculous amounts of money on books that I read twice in the semester? Not. One. Bit. What I am going to miss is being a student. Since Fall of 1991 I have never NOT been a student. I never took a semester off to work, didn't go on a mission, didn't take time off to find myself. Aside from summer breaks I have always been in school. It's all I know. Career? Isn't that what old people get? I always thought I was YEARS away from that.

Suddenly I feel old and boring. Whenever I hear about people in college, that will simply be something I did once long ago. Even though I certainly WON'T miss school, I WILL miss being a student.


  1. I share the same sentiments about school. I don't think I can relate to your current predicament, since I NEVER felt anything close to the emotion "sad" when I finished school. Just make sure you like whatever job you get. Otherwise, you'll still be staring at the clock every day.

  2. Yes, welcome to being a grown-up. You have officially entered that realm, although to be honest sometimes I still think of you as the 19 year old you were when I got back from my mish: memories of Jennie Kong-Mayer, Minnie, AAAAAROOOONNNNN!!!, and your "boyfriend:....("fjhdbslhfbdhsbjBIG DEAL fbdhsib). There are things I miss about college, but it's mostly the memories and the fun. I dont miss finals scheduled for 7am or 12 page papers. Or my professors. Excpet Jennie. "This gummie..."


Thank you for the love.