Monday, April 28, 2014

One month reviews

I've been working on a post about Baby Jo's time in the NICU, but to be honest, it's been a little exhausting. It's not fun to write, so I only write a few paragraphs at a time and then stop. I'll finish it, but I wanted to cover other things in the meantime.

On Wednesday, Baby Jo will be 6 weeks old! Where did time go? Well, it was mostly spent at home with many guests. My mom stayed for three weeks, my dad came for four days, my in-laws have visited many times, my sister-in-law came to help, and my two best friends from high school just visited me this weekend! I've also been working on nursing, worrying, and trying to figure out what my son likes/hates/tolerates/loves. After a month, here are his reviews:

Sleeping while being held: Heavenly
Sleeping in a Moby wrap: Awesome
Sleeping in the baby swing: Tolerable
Sleeping in the crib: Boo!

Being in the car while it is moving: Fabulous
Being in the car when it is in park: Agony!!!

Being pushed in a stroller: Fine
Being in a stroller when I stop pushing it for 10 seconds: The horror!

Being held: Awesome
Being held while someone constantly bounces on a yoga ball: The best thing in the world

Baths: The second best thing in the world
Pooping: The third best thing in the world ( as evident by him pooping about 10 times a day)

The baby's other hobbies that he has acquired during the first month of life:
- laying on the floor (for 10 minutes tops)
- staring at lights and window blinds
- grabbing my hair and hanging on for dear life
- basically being completely adorable

1 comment:

Thank you for the love.