Tuesday, December 30, 2014


On December 19th, my sweet baby turned 9 months old. It's weird to think that if someone got pregnant on the day he was born, their baby would be due any moment now. Baby Jo has been out of womb as long as he was in there.

What a fun age. Jo has added so many tricks to his routine. He was can sit up by himself (as of a week before turning 7 months old). As of the first week of December, he can CRAWL! His crawl is adorable. Initially, he would move his arms forward one at a time and then hop his two knees together at the same time. Last week, he has gotten the hang of moving his knees. He is now so busy! He loves to crawl to wires and attempt to chew on them. I didn't realize how many friggin' wires are in my house until he started crawling. He also follows me around crawling. He likes to be where the action is. He has gotten better at crawling on tile, though he usually crawls up to the tile, pats it with his hand, and then proceeds. He is improving his ability to sit himself up after rolling or crawling on the floor. It is so fun to see his progress each day.

Despite his ability to crawl, he still prefers to be held. He is anything but delicate, however. He loves to dangle upside down, be thrown in the air, and literally tossed from parent to parent. He also loves it when I spin him in circles while holding him. I think he will be a thrill seeker when he is older!

Another adorable "trick" is high fiving. When you stick out your open palm, he will repeatedly slap it with his own. It is so precious. He also likes to mimic sounds. He makes a cute shriek (an oxymoron, I know) that he will do over and over if you repeat it back to him.

As of December 29th, he has started clapping! I've yet to catch it on camera.

He LOVES to pull and chew on hair. Jordan's father has thick, coarse hair that Baby Jo loves to grab and stuff in his mouth. When I wear a ponytail or braid, he likes to hold it in his hand and chew on the end like a licorice rope. If my hair is down, he just goes for grabbing fistfulls of it at a time.

He is a rather affectionate baby. He give big, open mouth, sloppy, wet kisses. He likes to kiss noses, cheeks, and chins. If I am sitting on the floor, he crawls up onto my lap. It's too sweet.

His favorite game is peek-a-boo. If he gets hurt or is angry and starts crying, peek-a-boo usually is a good antidote. If that fails, tossing him up in the air will do the trick. He likes to be tickled and sung to. He is extremely smiley and laughs so much. He makes friends anywhere we go. Anyone who gives him minimal attention ends up receiving a big, open-mouthed, gummy smile. Baby Jo is still toothless, which I don't mind.

He is still not sure about eating. He is a pretty stubborn eater, but he has a few favorites. He LOVES bananas, and likes Gerber's Chicken and Apples. I have a hard time getting him to eat, so he still nurses regularly.

He is down to two naps a day. I mourned his lost third nap, but he now goes to bed earlier so it evens out.

What can I say? We just drool over him. It's been so bitter sweet to watch him grow. My heart aches seeing my former new born catapulted into toddlerhood, but I am also so grateful to see him be healthy and thrive!

We love you Baby Jo (Aka J-Man, Jo Willy, Puppy)

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