Tuesday, June 16, 2009

One Month

Jordan and I have officially been married one month! Here is an overview of our first month of marital bliss:

* Had a huge party thrown in our honor
* Stayed in a nice hotel for two days
* Flew to Tulsa, stayed in another nice hotel for two days
* had another party thrown in our honor
* Went on a week long cruise
*Opened tons of free presents from people
* Moved into a new apartment
* Received lots of free furniture from our family
*Went to approximately one week of school and work

This is how every month of our marraige is going to be, right?.....riiiiight?

1 comment:

  1. Awwww...congrats again! It sounds like things are getting off to a very good start...or maybe not quite start, as you've been officially together for more than a month! Yay! I hope the apartment and school are treating you and Jordan well so far. :-D


Thank you for the love.