Saturday, September 18, 2010

Next cover of Vogue

"The Jo's...They're so hot right now."

My friend DeAnn is a photographer who is building up her portfolio. You can check out her work here. I happily volunteered us to be models for her, and she graciously accepted. Last weekend we got up bright and early and headed to downtown Tulsa for our photo shoot. She posted some of the pics on her blog last night and in a moment of vanity I posted my favorites one here.

"Why so serious?"

Ok, I don't mean to be one of those wives who are like, "My husband is sooOOooOOo foine!"...but isn't my husband sooOOoOOo foine?

This one looks like an engagement ring ad.

This one looks like a shoe ad
Guess which legs are mine...

Hair detangler, please...

Thank you, DeAnn. I had so much fun! Jordan didn't complain too much either.


  1. Jo you are sooooo photogenic! the pictures are great.

  2. She couldn't have chosen better models! You both look so hot (especially you)!!! Love the pics!

  3. These are great pictures. Really.

  4. I really enjoyed the pictures. I really like the one you have on the top of your blog with AJ pushing you on the chain.

  5. Hey wait a minute... that last comment was by your dad on Molly's computer. I want credit!- Dad

  6. Bahaha... LOVE the leg picture!! Also, you're such a freakin' hottie.


Thank you for the love.