Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Engagement Picture Sneak Peak...

Let me start off by saying....what the heck, family? Why don't you comment?? haha. I know its not a big deal, but it's nice to know whether or not my blog is being read.

Moving on....

Our amazing photographer, Jun Sung took our pictures last Saturday and emailed me a few samples. I will get the rest of the pictures tomorrow. I can't wait! Here are a few of the ones that Jun emailed me:
I think I should sell this one to Sammy's. Don't we look like we are in a Sammy's ad?? I like how colorful it turned out!!
This one is more like an ad for a second rate perfume. But we still like it.
I love this last one. Jun made it look so cool! I just wish I didn't look like I was giving the camera the stink eye. Jordan looks dreamy in it. Ooh lala!

That's it for now...stay tuned.
(Augh! This is my last post as a 22 year old! I'm going to miss being 22!!)


Thank you for the love.