Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wedding Dress: The REAL one!

Remember how one of my blog posts from yester-year it said that I didn't have pictures of my dress because the dress shop didn't allow any photos? Well, such petty rules are no match for my ever so sneaky friend Melissa. She went with me to the bridal shop and took some secret pictures of me in the dressing room. (Wow, that sounds much more scandalous that than it actually is!) To cover the sound of the click from her camera, I was talking loudly in each picture; hence, the weird faces in some of them.

So.....Here is......the.......or I should say MY.......WEDDING DRESS!

Now let's go in for a closer look, eh? Here is the bottom of the dress:

I absolutely LOVE me dress, but I didn't have one of those stories where I walked into a store, saw the dress, and KNEW it was mine. I narrowed my choices down to two beautiful dresses and had to try each of them on literally over a dozen times before deciding. I even had to "say goodbye" to the other dress and still think about how pretty it was. I'm glad I chose the dress that I did, but I thought it would be nice to pay tribute to the other wonderful gown.

Presenting....The Runner-Up

My favorite part of this dress was its back. I couldn't get over how pretty it was!
Publish Post
It will some lucky girl very happy *sniff sniff*


  1. Rules? What are these ruuules you speak of? I do not know the meaning of the word!

    ...unless a lawsuit is involved. In which case, I saw no signs.

    You look b-e-a-utiful Sonja, despite your funny talking faces. :) I want to gooooooooooo and see it for the real shindig!!! Just have a reception in Utah already!!! :( :( :(

  2. And you know, I really really do think you made the right choice with the dress you picked. It's beautiful!! No remorseful thoughts!!!


Thank you for the love.