Wednesday, July 15, 2009

And the "Stupid Award" goes to....


Lately, I have been trying hard to improve my cooking skills...or lack thereof. I've tried a new recipe almost every night since the beginning of June. Some turn out great, most are just OK, and some make me realize my IQ just isn't what it used to be.

Take today, for example.

We had leftover chicken and a chicken carcass (from last night's new recipe attempt). My mom used to always make AMAZING chicken soup by soaking a chicken carcass in water for hours, adding veggies and spices which would result in a great broth. I decided since I was going to be home all day, I would give it a try. I soaked my carcass in water. I added garlic, basil, onions, pepper, and all that fun stuff that makes food look better. I made sure to boil it, then simmer, then stir, then repeat (This was going to be, like, THE broth). After several hours of babysitting my broth, and feeling proud of myself for making my creation for the first time, it was time to drain the broth of the chicken, so I grabbed a strainer and poured all my chickeny goodness into it.....then I realized I forgot to a BOWL under the strainer. ALL of my broth went down the sink. It happened so fast, I didn't even realize that I had done until it was over. I just stared at the crap in the strainer...the only stuff left from my morning of toil.

Well...I guess it's box macaroni and cheese for us tonight.


  1. I bet there was a bunch of your soup caught in the U-bend under your sink... you could have unscrewed it and drank it right out of the pipe. I bet you would have even tasted some bonus ingredients! Plus you wouldn't have dirtied any dishes. Just try to remember that for next time you dump your dinner down the drain.

  2. Awwwww!!! My heart dropped when I read that you poored it down the sink. I'm so so sorry love. You know, that's the kind of behavior I would expect from myself, Sonja. I know I'm pretty much your role model and all, but please, contain yourself.

  3. ha HA! That was hilarious! I pictured the whole thing as I was reading it and I am STILL laughing outloud as I think about how many times you used the word "carcus"! HA hA! "I soaked my carcus...." Ha hA! Why couldnt you have said, "meat" or "body"? Ha! I'm shaking with laughter!

  4. I think Troy has the solution nailed. And, I think somebody's going to be pleasantly surprised to find a pipe wrench underneath the tree this year! Thanks to your blog, we now have a new family catch phrase! I laughed so hard when I read your story I almost soaked my carcus!


Thank you for the love.