A few weeks ago, Jordan and I went on a spontaneous trip to:
It was awesome! It was a celebration of Jordan finishing his first quarter of PA school and me finding our camera (I'm still so giddy about that). It was also a SHORT trip. We left on Friday at 3:30 and got home Sunday around 4:00. But in those compacted 48 hours, we had a blast.
On Friday night, we pulled into our hotel, The Alladdin (which I forgot to get a picture of... Boo). I was a fancy hotel with a concierge ("I'm the con-see-oige!") and overpriced/overrated valet parking. We normally are SuperInn type of people, but we found The Aladdin for a great deal on hotwire.com and decided to go for it. The hotel was fun because tons of people going to different weddings, concerts, and more. And the hotel was right in the middle of down town. Although I didn't get a picture of the outside, I got a picture of our room. Cute, eh?
On Friday night we decided to go get some classic Kansas City BBQ. We asked the concierge where we should go, and she suggested a placed called Gates. "Just a mile down the road", she said. "Ok, we'll walk," we said. So we walked...and walked and walked...and walked out of down town into a ghetto area. Help? We FINALLY got to Gates where we equaled half the population of the entire white people in the restaurant...and that part of town, maybe? The BBQ was good, but I couldn't enjoy it because I was too worried about walking back from Gates in the dark. Luckily, we powered walked back into town in safety. Phew! We walked around a little while longer, found the biggest creepiest grasshopper/praying mantis EVER, and made it back to our hotel to watch Shark Week.
Here's the freaky bug. It was walking around on the sidewalk, following people. Yikes!
Saturday, we got up and headed to Kansas City Worlds of Fun. It's an amusement park that is about Lagoon quality. The day was really fun but it made me feel so old. When I was a teenager, I could spend all day at an amusement park, ride any ride any number of times and feel perfectly fine. Now that I am the ripe old age of 24, I felt so sick after four rides. I kept trying to fight it and ignore the nausea, but after a few hours I had to face the motion sickness. It was depressing.
Poor Jordan. I didn't have the heart to tell him this wasn't a real ride...
Luckily, we were able to cool off our stomachs by watching one of the amusement park shows. It was a group of high schoolish aged kids singing and dancing to rock and roll songs. It was sorta a second rate Glee. We eventually left in the late afternoon to spend the evening in the city.
Saturday evening, we hit the town! We walked all over exploring the city. One thing that I LOVED about the city was how everyone dressed. All the girls dressed up to hit the town. Even the ladies who were going to see a movie were all dolled up. Of course, with a movie theater that looks like THIS I wouldn't show up PJs either.
No, I am not trying to pole dance.
On Sunday, we checked out, hit up a local ward, and headed home. The trip was so short but so much fun!
that florescent green bug matched the walls of your room. UH, did you check your walls veryyyyy carefully before bed??