Sunday, March 4, 2012

This sums it up for me

I found this picture on Pinterest and I couldn't help but laugh. This is TOTALLY me.

Don't get me wrong, I DO care about human suffering and my heart does go out to people who experience pain or trauma (otherwise I made a very poor career choice). I also acknowledge and believe that human problems are more important than animal problem, but there is something about an animal in pain, fear, or otherwise poor living arrangement that just KILLS ME!

For example, here is a list of my hypothetical reactions to bad things happening to people vs animals.

Watching a movie where a person dies: "Oh, how sad."
Watching a movie where an animal dies: "I HATE this movie. Waaa Waaa! Who thinks this is good entertainment?! Why are we watching this in the first place?? I'm covering my eyes."

Hearing about a parent who abuses their children: "What jerks!! How dare they? Who do they think they are? Those poor children don't deserve that. Let's send them to jail."
Hearing about a pet owner who abuses their pet: "BURN THEM! BURN THEM ALIIIIIIIVE!"

Seeing a homeless man on the street: "Look, there is a homeless person."
Seeing a homeless person with a dog on the street": "HOW SAD!!! Poor dog. I must give them all my money. Maybe I can run and grab dog food really fast. WAAAA!"

Seeing a one legged person: "hmm, I better make sure I'm not staring. Act natural like you don't even realize it."
See a three legged creature: "Awwwwww. I'm so proud of you, you little soldier! You're an inspiration to us all!"

Hearing about a child who gets no attention: "The poor kid! Every child needs positive reinforcement and affection in their lives. The parents should change this behavior as soon as possible, or we need to help the child get positive attention else where."
Hearing (or seeing) a pet who gets no attention and is not ever allowed in the house with its family: "MONSTERS! Let's demolish their house so they have to be outside with their pet forever! Buahahaha."

So yeah. That picture is me.

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