Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More chicken, please

I try not to get too preachy or political on our blog (that's Jordan's facebook timeline's job. Haha), but I am pretty bothered by this whole boycott Chic-Fil-A bid'ness.

As most of you know, Dan Cathy of Chick-Fil-A made a statement where he expressed his opinion and beliefs about marriage:

[Cathy's remarks earlier this week to a Baptist website, in which he affirmed the Atlanta-based company's belief in "the biblical definition of the family unit," went viral Wednesday. Supporters and opponents of gay unions immediately weighed in.
"We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles," Cathy told the Baptist Press.]

Now there are several groups (including the Muppets) that are encouraging a boycott on the restaurant, saying that it is disrespectful and hateful. Whaaaat?

My own views about gay marriage are not so black and white, and I applaud those who DO have a firm belief or stance on the matter. Good for you! But I am SICK of people adding the words "hate" or "prejudice"  to anything that has a different opinion. If the restaurant said "We will not serve gays", then YEAH, that would be awful and prejudice. But for one person to have a different opinion is fine and dandy to me.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, I was totally against those who boycotted JC Penny after they made Ellen DeGeneres their new "mascot", so to speak.  Ridiculous!

So, today we decided that for lunch we are going to hit up Chick-Fil-A to support them. Not so much to support their view  of marriage, but mainly to support the fact that people are entitled to respectful opinions that are different from others. I invite others to do the same.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. If Brad Pitt can say he supports gay marriage, Cathy can say he doesn't.

    And also, they are one if the cleanest, friendliest, well staffed fast food restaurants I have ever been too.


Thank you for the love.