Monday, September 3, 2012

Oh, What a Night

Jordan and I often joke about how I have undiagnosed ADD (or technically ADHD, Inattentive Type). Last night/ this morning proved this once again.

Around 11:30 pm, I was dorking around on the computer and I noticed that my nails looked ugly. I thought, Ooh, I think I will paint my nails! 

While I was painting my nails, I watched an Arrested Development to keep me entertained. During the show, they mentioned a certain food. This lead me to look on Pinterest to see if there was any new recipes. While on Pinterest, I saw a cute cute cute pattern for an apron. I think I have the perfect fabric for that, I thought. I went to our spare/hoarding room to check out my material. I started to measure it to see if I had enough for an apron when I realized I had ample fabric. I thought, Wow, with all this extra fabric I could make a skirt!  I immediately got to work.

The problem was I was way too inpatient to actually bother to look up directions for the skirt. I figured I knew what I doing...

Three hours later, I had a mildly cute, yet moderately ugly skirt. I didn't even realize it was 3:00 am until I  snuck into our room to steal our mirror. (I had to sneak because Jordan was 3 am?? What a wimp.) Our spare room is completely covered in a thread/scissors/ elastic/ fabric blizzard. I looked at the mess, and thought....Huh, I should blog about this! So here I am at 3:15 am.

So there you have it. Now, if you'll excuse me....I have a mess to further avoid and a bed that I should probably become reacquainted with.....ooh, Tetris!

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