Sunday, October 18, 2009

Last week Jordan and I got called to be the Sunday School teachers for the 12-14 year olds. When we accepted the call, I was a little nervous; after all, teenagers can be a little rowdy, riiiight?

oh. my.gaaaawwwwsh.

Today, we walked into our classroom with 12 kids (yeah, 12! WHY are they combining all these ages again???) and we were greeted with a "Who are you?" The bishopric was there too because they wanted to set us apart before we began teaching. While they were setting us apart, they kids in the back were chatting the whole time. Yay. When we began teaching, I asked the kids to go around and say there name, their grade, and one of their hobbies. While each kid said one, the kid in the back would make a farting noise. Yeah. I finally invited him to spend the rest of class in the hallway because he obviously didn't want to be there. He happily got up and left, while the other two naughty boys said, "Dang, you're meeeean." Hall boy came back shortly after. I was hoping he was gonna be quiet, but nope- just one smart alec remark after the other. There were three boys in the back who just wouldn't quit. Jordan sat back there with them, which helped but still. All the rest of the kids were pretty quiet, but it was still a pretty painful 40 minutes. Hardly anyone said anything. No one laughed at my lame jokes, and the girls passed notes to each other. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.

Jordan and I practically collasped after they all left. I told him, "I just don't get it. I was such a good youth. I mean, sure I hated Sunday School, but I was quiet and polite and answered questions." Jordan replied, "Yeah...I was a typical teenaged boy in Sunday School." Then I pushed him. This is all his fault. It's our kharma for Jordan beng a punk as a 13 year old.

We've decided that we need to make the lessons alot less talky talky and more interesting. I'm trying to think of any cool games that may be exiting. Anyway.....HELP!!!!

1 comment:

  1. For that mentality, you may have to resort to the nursery manual for games. Sorry, I thought nursery was bad, but that sounds so much worse. Good luck. Did you get your tickets yet?


Thank you for the love.