Saturday, July 17, 2010

Say it with me. Soooooo.....

Dear Oklahomans
CC: The Universe

Overall, you have made me feel at home in your state. I appreciate your friendliness and your plethora of Dollar Trees. However, there is one issue that remains unresolved between us, and it is driving me craaaaazy...

Please learn how to pronounce my name correctly. I am starting to believe that this is a practical joke played on me. I've heard you all say phone and home correctly, so what is so difficult about Sone-ya? I can accept you thinking it's SAWN-ya when you first read it (although I don't know why), but I don't understand why you immediately call me Sawn-ya RIGHT AFTER I introduce myself as Sone-ya. Furthermore, I can't wrap my head around how even after I politely correct your pronunciation of my name you still insist its Sawn-ya, as if my pronunciation is was an optional suggestion. No, really.....why do you do that?

For example, at my MSW graduation, when I handed one of you my name card and whispered, "it's SONE-ya". Did you say it right? Nope, you simply announced in the microphone "SAWN-ya Jo ..." You said Jo correctly....why not my name? WHY?

Hollywood does not seem to help at all. In State of Play, most of the characters pronounced the murder's victim's name as SONE-ya, yet Rachel McAdam's called the poor girl SAWN-ya throughout the entire show. And no one in the movie corrected her once! It was as though she was saying the same name as everyone else. Not cool, McAdams. Not cool...(or should I say Maac-Odams. How do ya like THEM apples?)

So in conclusion, I beg you to take the microscopic amount of effort to move the shape of your mouth into an "o" and call me by my actual name, please. If this behavior persists, you leave me no choice but to begin referring to your state as "AWk-la-HAWM-a".


p.s. Thank you to those who do say it correctly. Keep up the good work!


  1. This is why I just call you Jo. (pronounced Jo). Hope the job is going well and stuff.

  2. We can only imagine your pain. You may just have to move to another state.

  3. Why do you have a big "saaaaaaaaaaaw" in the title of this post?

  4. Honey, the sweet Okies just are following the perfect examples of: "thong", "song" "dong" "bong" and "blonged" (which anyone knows is the past tense of "to bling". So don't be so hard on your new THRONG of friends. Love, your MAWTHER.

  5. You and me both! Do you know how often I get called Nigh-o-me? Or how about Knee-o-me? Or my absolute favorite Knee-o-muh... seriously, I'm not making that up. I even get the occasional hispanic Noami, though that at least sounds pretty.

  6. Nigh-o-me? Whaaat? Oh no! I have always loved your name (like since I was 16!) and am trying to convince Jordan that its a good daughter name. But if she would have to face the pain of mispronunciation too....yikes!


Thank you for the love.