I'm an easily bugged person. Don't get me wrong, lots of things make me happy and sometimes even downright giddy, but lots of things make bother me big time. What I think is interesting is when something that drives me insane and it doesn't even faze someone else and vice versa. So I thought it would be fun (and therapeutic!) to list all of my pet peeves. See if you agree with any of them or find what make me angry is your reason for living. I have so many pet peeves that I am going to place them in categories.
Facebook Pet Peeves* When people write their status' in a foreign language
* When people write "deep", vague statuses. For example: Sonja is feeling the hurt that comes from loss of a broken dream.
* Statuses that don't make any sense at all. this includes people quoting music or movies with the intention to be mysterious.
* When people click "Reply to All" when they are responding to a mass inbox message. This one probably gets me the most fired up.
* People who invite all of their friends to events. SO LAZY! Don't invite me to something if you live in Provo and I live in Oklahoma. It's like saying, "I really don't care who comes to this." Boo.
School Pet Peeves*Students who make very loooong winded comments. Cut to the chase PLEASE.
* When class goes over time. I have ZERO tolerance for this.
* When teachers assign overwhelming amounts of reading that are not even mentioned during lecture.
* When students ask stupid questions about assignments that could easily be answered with a quick glance at the syllabus.
* When someone sits in my seat. I'm one of those people who picks a spot and stays there for the whole semester. Taking that spot away is chaos...well, maybe not chaos, but irritating.
* This is rare, but when my professor is teaching something that I know is wrong. Not morally, but factually. This happened during one of my classes and it was driving me CRAZY.
* When students throw the words
crisis and
poverty around effortlessly during class. Both of those words have very specific definitions if you are using them clinically, yet some students use them as though crisis=sad and poverty=kinda poor.
Church/Mormon Culture Pet Peeves* Hymns being sung slower than they are supposed to be sung.
* When church goes over time. General Conference NEVER goes over. If the prophet keeps with a schedule, shouldn't we all?
* When people stand up to the pulpit and say, "I wrote this talk last night..." As Jordan puts it, it is an invitation to not pay attention.
* When people use testimony meeting as a method of advertisement. "I wanted to bear my testimony- and also let you know that we are having a farewell tomorrow..." Ugh.
* When people give a talk and try to be funny the whole time. SoooOOooOooo annoying. This happened alot in my student wards.
* When we only sing the first three verses of "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief"
* Mormons who blatantly swear to look cool.
* When Mormon girls wear bikinis in public like it ain't no thang.
* When people claim that they didn't prepare a talk or a lesson because they wanted to rely on the Spirit.....uh, no.
Driving Pet Peeves* When people make a left hand turn into the wrong lane. ERGH!
* When someone doesn't use their blinker.
*When someone stops right in front of a parking lot entrance.
Honda Elements in general
* Crappy parking jobs
Conversational Pet Peeves* Students who talk really loudly on their cell phone in quiet areas (anyone notice this ALOT at BYU? And didn't it seemed as though those chubby blonde RM's who were talking in a foreign language happened to talk much much louder?)
* When I would be on first dates, and someone would ask me, "So what do you like to do for fun?" I LOATHED that question....
*When an adult uses the following words: stinky, stink, stinks
* When adults use obvious improper grammar in somewhat formal/professional situations
Parental Pet Peeves
* Children in movie theaters- particularly mature movies. I understand that its a risk of hearing kiddy chatter if I go to see Up!, but if I am watching Angels and Demons, I shouldn't have to hear the commentary of a six year old sitting behind me.
* People who do not remove their babies when they are crying in church.
* Children playing in dressing rooms. Grrrr.
Miscellaneous* When people do not return their shopping carts to the appropriate location. This is the ESSENCE of selfishness and laziness.
*Bad customer service in general.
* When my pants get wet all the way up to my knees after walking in the rain.
* loud Liberals (and loud conservatives too, but Liberals tend to be much more noisy)
* When someone misquotes a movie line (I know it's dumb, but it just bugs me a little)
* Any printed article that states Scarlett Johanson as being hot, pretty, or talented
* Buy one, get one half off sales. Why would I want two? Can't they just make one 25% off?
* When I am not taken seriously due to my height (this is not nearly as frequent as it once was. I think getting older has helped)
* Overuse of auto-tune in songs
* Sagging jeans
*When a remark made against a person who is not white is portrayed as Racist, regardless if race had annnnything to do with it.
*When someone has a whitehead on their face, but is not going to pop it because they "want it to heal". Yeah, then stay home until it is healed.
Hmmm...I guess that wasn't too therapeutic after all. I just feel annoyed. Oh, well...